How to Build Dora SSR EngineOn this pageHow to Build Dora SSR Engine 1. Get the Source GitHubAtomGitGiteeGitCodegit clone clone clone clone 2. Build Game Engine Runtime Please select the target platform you want to build for. WindowsmacOSiOSAndroidLinux Install Rust compiler. Run the following script to generate the engine's dependent libraries. Tools\build-scripts\build_lib_windows.bat Install Visual Studio Community 2022. Open the project file in the IDE: Projects/Windows/Dora.sln. Compile, debug, and run the project. Install Rust compiler. Run the following script to generate the engine's dependent libraries. Tools/build-scripts/ Install latest Xcode. Open the project file in the IDE: Projects/macOS/Dora.xcodeproj. Compile, debug, and run the project. Install Rust compiler. Run the following script to generate the engine's dependent libraries. Tools/build-scripts/ Install latest Xcode. Open the project file in the IDE: Projects/iOS/Dora.xcodeproj. Compile, debug, and run the project. Install Rust compiler. Run the following script to generate the engine's dependent libraries. Tools/build-scripts/ Manually generate Lua bindings. # Build on Ubuntusudo apt-get install lua5.1sudo apt-get install -y luarockssudo luarocks install luafilesystemcd Tools/tolua++lua tolua++.lua# Build on macOScd Tools/tolua++./ Build on Windowscd Tools\tolua++build.bat Install latest Android Studio. Open the project directory in the IDE: Projects/Android/Dora. Compile, debug, and run the project. Install Rust compiler. Run the following script to generate the engine's dependent libraries. For x86_64 architectureTools/build-scripts/ For ARM64 architectureTools/build-scripts/ Ubuntu/DebianArch Linux Install dependent packages. sudo apt-get install -y libsdl2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libssl-dev Manually generate Lua bindings. sudo apt-get install lua5.1sudo apt-get install -y luarockssudo luarocks install luafilesystemcd Tools/tolua++lua tolua++.lua Install dependent packages. sudo pacman -S lua51 luarocks sdl2 openssl gcc make cmake --needed# Because the lua version must be 5.1,you need to use lua 5.1 instead of the newest version of lua# The easiest way is using 'ln' to create a soft linksudo ln -s /usr/bin/lua5.1 /usr/local/bin/lua Manually generate Lua bindings. sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 install luafilesystemcd Tools/tolua++lua5.1 tolua++.lua Run the compile scripts. For the first time build For ARM architecturecd Projects/Linuxmake arm For x86_64 architecturecd Projects/Linuxmake x86_64 For incremental build cd Projects/Linuxmake Run the generated software. cd Assets../Projects/Linux/build/dora-ssr# Or specify the resource directory with command line arguments./Projects/Linux/build/dora-ssr --asset Assets 3. Build Web IDE Compile and run the Dora SSR engine. Install the latest version of Node.js. Initialize the project and enter the Dora Dora editor development mode. Please select the platform you are building with. macOSLinuxWindowscd Tools/dora-dora/3rdParty/YarnEditor && yarn && yarn buildrm -rf ../../public/yarn-editormv dist ../../public/yarn-editorcd ../.. && yarnyarn startAlternatively, you can generate the Web IDE release files, copy them to the project's Assets/www directory, and then start the Dora SSR engine to test the full project functionality.# Ensure the previous steps of compiling and copying YarnEditor are completedcd Tools/dora-dorayarn buildrm -rf ../../Assets/wwwmv build ../../Assets/wwwcd Tools/dora-dora/3rdParty/YarnEditor && yarn && yarn build-linuxrm -rf ../../public/yarn-editormv dist ../../public/yarn-editorcd ../.. && yarnyarn startAlternatively, you can generate the Web IDE release files, copy them to the project's Assets/www directory, and then start the Dora SSR engine to test the full project functionality.# Ensure the previous steps of compiling and copying YarnEditor are completedcd Tools/dora-dorayarn buildrm -rf ../../Assets/wwwmv build ../../Assets/wwwcd Tools\dora-dora\3rdParty\YarnEditor && yarn && yarn build-winrmdir /Q /S ..\..\public\yarn-editormove dist ..\..\public\yarn-editorcd ..\.. && yarn install --network-timeout 1000000yarn startAlternatively, you can generate the Web IDE release files, copy them to the project's Assets/www directory, and then start the Dora SSR engine to test the full project functionality.# Ensure the previous steps of compiling and copying YarnEditor are completedcd Tools\dora-dorayarn buildrmdir /Q /S ..\..\Assets\wwwmove build ..\..\Assets\www