Developing Editors and Tools with ImGuiOn this pageDeveloping Editors and Tools with ImGui 1. Introduction In the game development process, an intuitive and efficient user interface (UI) is essential for editors and debugging tools. However, Dora SSR, as a code-focused engine, currently does not provide built-in editors or debugging tools. Therefore, developers need to quickly develop and customize these tools according to their game projects' needs. Fortunately, Dora SSR provides the ImGui library, which makes it easy to create such auxiliary UIs. ImGui (Immediate Mode GUI) is an immediate mode graphical user interface library widely used for its simplicity and efficiency. This tutorial will introduce how to use the ImGui library provided by Dora SSR to develop UIs for game editors or debugging tools. 2. Philosophy, Advantages, and Disadvantages of ImGui Framework 2.1 Philosophy The core philosophy of ImGui is immediate mode, which means that the UI is redrawn every frame. This differs from traditional retained mode, which maintains a UI state tree; immediate mode directly draws the UI based on the current program state. 2.2 Advantages Easy to Use: No need to manage complex UI states; UI elements can be described directly in code. Rapid Iteration: Suitable for quick prototyping and developing debugging tools. Lightweight: No need to integrate large UI frameworks, reducing resource consumption. Highly Flexible: Can be easily embedded into the existing game engine rendering loop. 2.3 Disadvantages Not Suitable for Complex UIs: It may not be ideal for applications requiring highly interactive and complex layouts. Limited Styling: The default visual style is relatively simple, and customization requires extra work, which may not meet the visual demands of game projects. Performance Overhead: In very complex UI scenarios, redrawing every frame may lead to performance issues. 4. Basic Usage 4.1 Creating a Simple Window The following example demonstrates how to create a simple ImGui window: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")threadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Example Window", function() ImGui.Text("Welcome to ImGui with Dora SSR!") ImGui.Separator() ImGui.TextWrapped("This is a simple example window showcasing basic text and a separator.") end)end)local ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Example Window", function() ImGui.Text("Welcome to ImGui with Dora SSR!") ImGui.Separator() ImGui.TextWrapped("This is a simple example window showcasing basic text and a separator.") end) return falseend)import { threadLoop } from "Dora";import * as ImGui from "ImGui";threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Example Window", () => { ImGui.Text("Welcome to ImGui with Dora SSR!"); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.TextWrapped("This is a simple example window showcasing basic text and a separator."); }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGuithreadLoop -> Begin "Example Window", -> Text "Welcome to ImGui with Dora SSR!" Separator! TextWrapped "This is a simple example window showcasing basic text and a separator." Explanation: The threadLoop function is used to repeatedly execute operations in the main thread. The ImGui.Begin function is used to create a window and specify the window's title. The ImGui.Text function is used to draw text. The ImGui.Separator function is used to draw a separator line. The ImGui.TextWrapped function is used to draw a block of text with automatic line wrapping. 4.2 Adding Interactive Elements You can add interactive elements such as buttons and input fields in the window: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local inputText = Buffer(200)inputText.text = "Default Text"threadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Interaction Example", function() if ImGui.Button("Click Me") then print("Button Clicked!") end if ImGui.InputText("Input Field", inputText) then print("Input Content: " .. inputText.text) end end)end)local ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local inputText = Buffer(200)inputText.text = "Default Text"threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Interaction Example", function() if ImGui.Button("Click Me") then print("Button Clicked!") end if ImGui.InputText("Input Field", inputText) then print("Input Content: " .. inputText.text) end end) return falseend)import { threadLoop, Buffer } from "Dora";import * as ImGui from "ImGui";const inputText = Buffer(200);inputText.text = "Default Text";threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Interaction Example", () => { if (ImGui.Button("Click Me")) { print("Button Clicked!"); } if (ImGui.InputText("Input Field", inputText)) { print(`Input Content: ${inputText.text}`); } }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGuiinputText = with Buffer 200 .text = "Default Text"threadLoop -> Begin "Interaction Example", -> if Button "Click Me" print "Button Clicked!" if InputText "Input Field", inputText print "Input Content:" .. inputText.text Explanation: The ImGui.Button function is used to create a button and specify the button's label. The ImGui.InputText function is used to create an input field and specify the field's label and buffer. 5. Example of Creating a Game Editor 5.1 Object Property Editor The object property editor is a core component of the game editor, used to view and modify the properties of game objects. LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local Vec2 <const> = require("Vec2")-- Assume we have a game object with the following propertieslocal gameObject = { name = "Player", position = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }, rotation = 0.0, scale = { x = 1.0, y = 1.0 }, isActive = true}local nameBuffer = Buffer(100)nameBuffer.text = gameObject.namethreadLoop(function() ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Vec2(300, 400), "FirstUseEver") ImGui.Begin("Object Property Editor", function() -- Edit object name if ImGui.InputText("Name", nameBuffer) then = nameBuffer.text end -- Edit position local changed, x, y = ImGui.InputFloat2("Position", gameObject.position.x, gameObject.position.y) if changed then gameObject.position.x = x gameObject.position.y = y end -- Edit rotation local changed, rotation = ImGui.DragFloat("Rotation", gameObject.rotation, 1.0, 0.0, 360.0, "%.1f°") if changed then gameObject.rotation = rotation end -- Edit scale local changed, sx, sy = ImGui.InputFloat2("Scale", gameObject.scale.x, gameObject.scale.y) if changed then gameObject.scale.x = sx gameObject.scale.y = sy end -- Edit active state local changed, isActive = ImGui.Checkbox("Is Active", gameObject.isActive) if changed then gameObject.isActive = isActive end -- Output the current state of the object if ImGui.Button("Output State") then print("Current Object State:") p(gameObject) end end)end)local ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local Vec2 <const> = require("Vec2")-- Assume we have a game object with the following propertieslocal gameObject = { name = "Player", position = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }, rotation = 0.0, scale = { x = 1.0, y = 1.0 }, isActive = true}local nameBuffer = Buffer(100)nameBuffer.text = gameObject.namethreadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Vec2(300, 400), "FirstUseEver") ImGui.Begin("Object Property Editor", function() -- Edit object name if ImGui.InputText("Name", nameBuffer) then = nameBuffer.text end -- Edit position local changed, x, y = ImGui.InputFloat2("Position", gameObject.position.x, gameObject.position.y) if changed then gameObject.position.x = x gameObject.position.y = y end -- Edit rotation local changed, rotation = ImGui.DragFloat("Rotation", gameObject.rotation, 1.0, 0.0, 360.0, "%.1f°") if changed then gameObject.rotation = rotation end -- Edit scale local changed, sx, sy = ImGui.InputFloat2("Scale", gameObject.scale.x, gameObject.scale.y) if changed then gameObject.scale.x = sx gameObject.scale.y = sy end -- Edit active state local changed, isActive = ImGui.Checkbox("Is Active", gameObject.isActive) if changed then gameObject.isActive = isActive end -- Output the current state of the object if ImGui.Button("Output State") then print("Current Object State:") p(gameObject) end end) return falseend)import { threadLoop, Buffer, Vec2 } from "Dora";import * as ImGui from "ImGui";import { SetCond } from "ImGui";const gameObject = { name: "Player", position: { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }, rotation: 0.0, scale: { x: 1.0, y: 1.0 }, isActive: true}const nameBuffer = Buffer(100);nameBuffer.text =;threadLoop(() => { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Vec2(300, 400), SetCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.Begin("Object Property Editor", () => { // Edit object name if (ImGui.InputText("Name", nameBuffer)) { = nameBuffer.text; } // Edit position { const [changed, x, y] = ImGui.InputFloat2("Position", gameObject.position.x, gameObject.position.y); if (changed) { gameObject.position.x = x; gameObject.position.y = y; } } // Edit rotation { const [changed, rotation] = ImGui.DragFloat("Rotation", gameObject.rotation, 1.0, 0.0, 360.0, "%.1f°"); if (changed) { gameObject.rotation = rotation; } } // Edit scale { const [changed, sx, sy] = ImGui.InputFloat2("Scale", gameObject.scale.x, gameObject.scale.y); if (changed) { gameObject.scale.x = sx; gameObject.scale.y = sy; } } // Edit active state { const [changed, isActive] = ImGui.Checkbox("Is Active", gameObject.isActive); if (changed) { gameObject.isActive = isActive; } } // Output the current state of the object if (ImGui.Button("Output State")) { print("Current Object State:"); p(gameObject); } }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGuigameObject = name: "Player" position: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 rotation: 0.0, scale: x: 1.0 y: 1.0 isActive: truenameBuffer = with Buffer 100 .text = gameObject.namethreadLoop -> SetNextWindowSize Vec2(300, 400), "FirstUseEver" Begin "Object Property Editor", -> -- Edit object name if InputText "Name", nameBuffer = nameBuffer.text -- Edit position if changed, x, y := InputFloat2 "Position", gameObject.position.x, gameObject.position.y gameObject.position.x = x gameObject.position.y = y -- Edit rotation if changed, rotation := DragFloat "Rotation", gameObject.rotation, 1.0, 0.0, 360.0, "%.1f°" gameObject.rotation = rotation -- Edit scale if changed, sx, sy := InputFloat2 "Scale", gameObject.scale.x, gameObject.scale.y gameObject.scale.x = sx gameObject.scale.y = sy -- Edit active state if changed, isActive := Checkbox "Is Active", gameObject.isActive gameObject.isActive = isActive -- Output the current state of the object if Button "Output State" print "Current Object State:" p gameObject Explanation: Use InputText to edit string properties. Use InputFloat2 and DragFloat to edit numerical properties. Use Checkbox to edit boolean properties. 5.2 Scene Hierarchy View The Scene Hierarchy View displays all game objects in the scene, presented in a tree structure. LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui = require("ImGui")local threadLoop = require("threadLoop")-- Assume we have a list of scene objects with parent-child relationshipslocal sceneObjects = { { name = "Root", children = { { name = "Player", children = {} }, { name = "Enemy", children = { { name = "Enemy1", children = {} }, { name = "Enemy2", children = {} }, } }, } }}local leafFlags = {"Leaf"}local empty = function() end-- Recursive function to draw the scene treelocal function drawSceneTree(nodes) for _, node in ipairs(nodes) do if #node.children > 0 then ImGui.TreeNode(, function() drawSceneTree(node.children) end) else ImGui.TreeNodeEx(,, leafFlags, empty) end endendthreadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Scene Hierarchy View", function() drawSceneTree(sceneObjects) end)end)local ImGui = require("ImGui")local threadLoop = require("threadLoop")local record Node name: string children: {Node}end-- Assume we have a list of scene objects with parent-child relationshipslocal sceneObjects: {Node} = { { name = "Root", children = { { name = "Player", children = {} }, { name = "Enemy", children = { { name = "Enemy1", children = {} }, { name = "Enemy2", children = {} }, } }, } }}local leafFlags = {"Leaf"}local empty = function() end-- Recursive function to draw the scene treelocal function drawSceneTree(nodes: {Node}) for _, node in ipairs(nodes) do if #node.children > 0 then ImGui.TreeNode(, function() drawSceneTree(node.children) end) else ImGui.TreeNodeEx(,, leafFlags, empty) end endendthreadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Scene Hierarchy View", function() drawSceneTree(sceneObjects) end) return falseend)import * as ImGui from "ImGui";import { threadLoop } from "Dora";import { TreeNodeFlag } from "ImGui";interface Node { name: string; children: Node[];}// Assume we have a list of scene objects with parent-child relationshipsconst sceneObjects: Node[] = [ { name: "Root", children: [ { name: "Player", children: [] }, { name: "Enemy", children: [ { name: "Enemy1", children: [] }, { name: "Enemy2", children: [] } ] } ] }];const leafFlags = [TreeNodeFlag.Leaf];const empty = () => {};// Recursive function to draw the scene treefunction drawSceneTree(nodes: Node[]) { for (const node of nodes) { if (node.children.length > 0) { ImGui.TreeNode(, () => { drawSceneTree(node.children); }); } else { ImGui.TreeNodeEx(,, leafFlags, empty); } }}threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Scene Hierarchy View", () => { drawSceneTree(sceneObjects); }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGui-- Assume we have a list of scene objects with parent-child relationshipssceneObjects = * name: "Root" children: * name: "Player" children: [] * name: "Enemy" children: * name: "Enemy1" children: [] * name: "Enemy2" children: []leafFlags = {"Leaf"}empty = ->-- Recursive function to draw the scene treedrawSceneTree = (sceneObjects) -> for node in *sceneObjects if #node.children > 0 TreeNode, -> drawSceneTree node.children else TreeNodeEx,, leafFlags, emptythreadLoop -> Begin "Scene Hierarchy View", -> drawSceneTree sceneObjects Note: Use TreeNode and TreePop to create a tree structure. Recursively draw each node and its children. 5.3 Resource Browser The Resource Browser is used to view and select resources in the project, such as textures, models, and audio files. LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")-- Resource listlocal resources = { textures = { "texture1.png", "texture2.png", "texture3.png" }, models = { "model1.obj", "model2.obj" }, sounds = { "sound1.wav", "sound2.wav" }}threadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Resource Browser", function() if ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Textures") then for _, texture in ipairs(resources.textures) do if ImGui.Selectable(texture) then print("Selected Texture: " .. texture) end end end if ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Models") then for _, model in ipairs(resources.models) do if ImGui.Selectable(model) then print("Selected Model: " .. model) end end end if ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Audio") then for _, sound in ipairs(resources.sounds) do if ImGui.Selectable(sound) then print("Selected Audio: " .. sound) end end end end)end)local ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")-- Resource listlocal resources = { textures = { "texture1.png", "texture2.png", "texture3.png" }, models = { "model1.obj", "model2.obj" }, sounds = { "sound1.wav", "sound2.wav" }}threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Resource Browser", function() if ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Textures") then for _, texture in ipairs(resources.textures) do if ImGui.Selectable(texture) then print("Selected Texture: " .. texture) end end end if ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Models") then for _, model in ipairs(resources.models) do if ImGui.Selectable(model) then print("Selected Model: " .. model) end end end if ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Audio") then for _, sound in ipairs(resources.sounds) do if ImGui.Selectable(sound) then print("Selected Audio: " .. sound) end end end end) return falseend)import * as ImGui from "ImGui";import { threadLoop } from "Dora";// Resource listconst resources = { textures: ["texture1.png", "texture2.png", "texture3.png"], models: ["model1.obj", "model2.obj"], sounds: ["sound1.wav", "sound2.wav"]};threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Resource Browser", () => { if (ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Textures")) { for (const texture of resources.textures) { if (ImGui.Selectable(texture)) { print(`Selected Texture: ${texture}`); } } } if (ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Models")) { for (const model of resources.models) { if (ImGui.Selectable(model)) { print(`Selected Model: ${model}`); } } } if (ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Audio")) { for (const sound of resources.sounds) { if (ImGui.Selectable(sound)) { print(`Selected Audio: ${sound}`); } } } }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGui-- Resource listresources = textures: ["texture1.png", "texture2.png", "texture3.png"] models: ["model1.obj", "model2.obj"] sounds: ["sound1.wav", "sound2.wav"]threadLoop -> Begin "Resource Browser", -> if CollapsingHeader "Textures" for _, texture in ipairs resources.textures if Selectable texture print "Selected Texture: " .. texture if CollapsingHeader "Models" for _, model in ipairs resources.models if Selectable model print "Selected Model: " .. model if CollapsingHeader "Audio" for _, sound in ipairs resources.sounds if Selectable sound print "Selected Audio: " .. sound Note: Use CollapsingHeader to group resource types. Use Selectable for list items to allow users to select resources. 5.4 Material Editor The Material Editor allows users to adjust material properties such as color, texture, and shader parameters. LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local Color3 <const> = require("Color3")-- Material objectlocal material = { name = "BasicMaterial", color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 }, texture = "default.png", shininess = 32.0}-- Available texture listlocal textures = { "default.png", "texture1.png", "texture2.png" }local currentTextureIndex = 1local nameBuffer = Buffer(100)nameBuffer.text = material.namethreadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Material Editor", function() -- Edit material name if ImGui.InputText("Name", nameBuffer) then = nameBuffer.text end -- Edit color local color = Color3(material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b) if ImGui.ColorEdit3("Color", color) then material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b = color.r, color.g, color.b end local changed = false changed, currentTextureIndex = ImGui.Combo("Texture", currentTextureIndex, textures) if changed then material.texture = textures[currentTextureIndex] end -- Edit shininess local changed, shininess = ImGui.DragFloat("Shininess", material.shininess, 1.0, 0.0, 128.0, "%.0f") if changed then material.shininess = shininess end -- Output current material status if ImGui.Button("Output Status") then print("Current Material Status:") p(material) end end)end)local ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local Color3 <const> = require("Color3")-- Material objectlocal material = { name = "BasicMaterial", color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 }, texture = "default.png", shininess = 32.0}-- Available texture listlocal textures = { "default.png", "texture1.png", "texture2.png" }local currentTextureIndex = 1local nameBuffer = Buffer(100)nameBuffer.text = material.namethreadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Material Editor", function() -- Edit material name if ImGui.InputText("Name", nameBuffer) then = nameBuffer.text end -- Edit color local color = Color3(material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b) if ImGui.ColorEdit3("Color", color) then material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b = color.r, color.g, color.b end local changed = false changed, currentTextureIndex = ImGui.Combo("Texture", currentTextureIndex, textures) if changed then material.texture = textures[currentTextureIndex] end -- Edit shininess local changed, shininess = ImGui.DragFloat("Shininess", material.shininess, 1.0, 0.0, 128.0, "%.0f") if changed then material.shininess = shininess end -- Output current material status if ImGui.Button("Output Status") then print("Current Material Status:") p(material) end end) return falseend)import * as ImGui from "ImGui";import { threadLoop, Buffer, Color3 } from "Dora";// Material objectconst material = { name: "BasicMaterial", color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, texture: "default.png", shininess: 32.0};// Available texture listconst textures = ["default.png", "texture1.png", "texture2.png"];let currentTextureIndex = 1;const nameBuffer = Buffer(100);nameBuffer.text =;threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Material Editor", () => { // Edit material name if (ImGui.InputText("Name", nameBuffer)) { = nameBuffer.text; } // Edit color const color = Color3(material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b); if (ImGui.ColorEdit3("Color", color)) { material.color.r = color.r; material.color.g = color.g; material.color.b = color.b; } // Select texture { let changed = false; [changed, currentTextureIndex] = ImGui.Combo("Texture", currentTextureIndex, textures) if (changed) { material.texture = textures[currentTextureIndex]; } } // Edit shininess { const [changed, shininess] = ImGui.DragFloat("Shininess", material.shininess, 1.0, 0.0, 128.0, "%.0f") if (changed) { material.shininess = shininess; } } // Output current material status if (ImGui.Button("Output Status")) { print("Current Material Status:"); p(material); } }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGui-- Material objectmaterial = name: "BasicMaterial" color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } texture: "default.png" shininess: 32.0textures = ["default.png", "texture1.png", "texture2.png"]currentTextureIndex = 1nameBuffer = with Buffer 100 .text = material.namethreadLoop -> Begin "Material Editor", -> if InputText "Name", nameBuffer = nameBuffer.text -- Edit color color = Color3 material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b if ColorEdit3 "Color", color material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b = color.r, color.g, color.b -- Select texture changed, currentTextureIndex = Combo "Texture", currentTextureIndex, textures if changed material.texture = textures[currentTextureIndex] -- Edit shininess changed, shininess = DragFloat "Shininess", material.shininess, 1.0, 0.0, 128.0, "%.0f" if changed material.shininess = shininess -- Output current material status if Button "Output Status" print "Current Material Status:" p material Note: Use ColorEdit3 for color selection. Use Combo to create a dropdown menu for selecting textures. Use DragFloat to adjust numerical parameters. 5.5 Console Window Implement a simple console window for inputting commands and displaying logs. LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local Vec2 <const> = require("Vec2")local logs = {}local inputBuffer = Buffer(200)threadLoop(function() ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Vec2(300, 200), "FirstUseEver") ImGui.Begin("Console", function() -- Display log area ImGui.BeginChild("LogArea", Vec2(0, -25), function() for _, log in ipairs(logs) do ImGui.TextWrapped(log) end if ImGui.GetScrollY() >= ImGui.GetScrollMaxY() then ImGui.SetScrollHereY(1.0) end end) -- Input area if ImGui.InputText("Enter Command", inputBuffer, { "EnterReturnsTrue" }) then local command = inputBuffer.text table.insert(logs, "> " .. command) -- Execute command (here simply echoing) table.insert(logs, "Execution Result: Command [" .. command .. "] has been executed.") inputBuffer.text = "" end end)end)local ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Buffer <const> = require("Buffer")local Vec2 <const> = require("Vec2")local logs: {string} = {}local inputBuffer = Buffer(200)threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Vec2(300, 200), "FirstUseEver") ImGui.Begin("Console", function() -- Display log area ImGui.BeginChild("LogArea", Vec2(0, -25), function() for _, log in ipairs(logs) do ImGui.TextWrapped(log) end if ImGui.GetScrollY() >= ImGui.GetScrollMaxY() then ImGui.SetScrollHereY(1.0) end end) -- Input area if ImGui.InputText("Enter Command", inputBuffer, { "EnterReturnsTrue" }) then local command = inputBuffer.text table.insert(logs, "> " .. command) -- Execute command (here simply echoing) table.insert(logs, "Execution Result: Command [" .. command .. "] has been executed.") inputBuffer.text = "" end end) return falseend)import * as ImGui from "ImGui";import { threadLoop, Buffer, Vec2 } from "Dora";import { InputTextFlag, SetCond } from "ImGui";const logs: string[] = [];const inputBuffer = Buffer(200);threadLoop(() => { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Vec2(300, 200), SetCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.Begin("Console", () => { // Display log area ImGui.BeginChild("LogArea", Vec2(0, -25), () => { for (const log of logs) { ImGui.TextWrapped(log); } if (ImGui.GetScrollY() >= ImGui.GetScrollMaxY()) { ImGui.SetScrollHereY(1.0); } }); // Input area if (ImGui.InputText("Enter Command", inputBuffer, [InputTextFlag.EnterReturnsTrue])) { const command = inputBuffer.text; logs.push(`> ${command}`); logs.push(`Execution Result: Command [${command}] has been executed.`); inputBuffer.text = ""; } }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGui-- Log listlogs = {}inputBuffer = Buffer 200threadLoop -> Begin "Console", -> -- Display log area BeginChild "LogArea", Vec2(0, -25), -> for log in *logs TextWrapped log if GetScrollY! >= GetScrollMaxY! SetScrollHereY 1.0 -- Input area if InputText "Enter Command", inputBuffer, ["EnterReturnsTrue",] command = inputBuffer.text table.insert logs, "> " .. command table.insert logs, "Execution Result: Command [" .. command .. "] has been executed." inputBuffer.text = "" Explanation: Use BeginChild to create a log display area. Use InputText to accept user input and handle commands upon pressing Enter. Use SetScrollHereY to keep the scrollbar at the bottom. 5.6 Status Bar and Toolbar Add a status bar and toolbar to the editor window, providing quick access to commonly used functions. LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Vec2 <const> = require("Vec2")threadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Editor Main Window", { "MenuBar", "AlwaysAutoResize" }, function() -- Toolbar ImGui.BeginMenuBar(function() ImGui.BeginMenu("File", function() if ImGui.MenuItem("New") then print("New File") end if ImGui.MenuItem("Save") then print("Save File") end end) ImGui.BeginMenu("Edit", function() if ImGui.MenuItem("Undo") then print("Undo Operation") end end) end) -- Main content area ImGui.Text("This is the main content area") ImGui.Dummy(Vec2(0, 100)) -- Status bar ImGui.BeginChild("StatusBar", Vec2(0, 20), function() ImGui.Text("Status: Ready") end) end)end)local ImGui <const> = require("ImGui")local threadLoop <const> = require("threadLoop")local Vec2 <const> = require("Vec2")threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Editor Main Window", { "MenuBar", "AlwaysAutoResize" }, function() -- Toolbar ImGui.BeginMenuBar(function() ImGui.BeginMenu("File", function() if ImGui.MenuItem("New") then print("New File") end if ImGui.MenuItem("Save") then print("Save File") end end) ImGui.BeginMenu("Edit", function() if ImGui.MenuItem("Undo") then print("Undo Operation") end end) end) -- Main content area ImGui.Text("This is the main content area") ImGui.Dummy(Vec2(0, 100)) -- Status bar ImGui.BeginChild("StatusBar", Vec2(0, 20), function() ImGui.Text("Status: Ready") end) end) return falseend)import * as ImGui from "ImGui";import { WindowFlag } from "ImGui";import { threadLoop, Vec2 } from "Dora";threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Editor Main Window", [ WindowFlag.MenuBar, WindowFlag.AlwaysAutoResize ], () => { // Toolbar ImGui.BeginMenuBar(() => { ImGui.BeginMenu("File", () => { if (ImGui.MenuItem("New")) { print("New File"); } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Save")) { print("Save File"); } }); ImGui.BeginMenu("Edit", () => { if (ImGui.MenuItem("Undo")) { print("Undo Operation"); } }); }); // Main content area ImGui.Text("This is the main content area") ImGui.Dummy(Vec2(0, 100)) // Status bar ImGui.BeginChild("StatusBar", Vec2(0, 20), () => { ImGui.Text("Status: Ready") }) }); return false;});_ENV = Dora Dora.ImGuithreadLoop -> Begin "Editor Main Window", ["MenuBar", "AlwaysAutoResize"], -> -- Toolbar BeginMenuBar -> BeginMenu "File", -> if MenuItem "New" print "New File" if MenuItem "Save" print "Save File" BeginMenu "Edit", -> if MenuItem "Undo" print "Undo Operation" -- Main content area Text "This is the main content area" Dummy Vec2 0, 100 -- Status bar BeginChild "StatusBar", Vec2(0, 20), -> Text "Status: Ready" Explanation: Use BeginMenuBar and EndMenuBar to create a menu bar or toolbar. Add a BeginChild in the main window to simulate the status bar. 6. Optimization Tips: Extracting Anonymous Functions to Reduce Memory Allocation 6.1 Problem Analysis When developing with the ImGui library, a significant number of anonymous functions (closures) may be created each frame, leading to frequent memory allocation and garbage collection, which can negatively impact performance. 6.2 Solution Extract Anonymous Functions: Extract anonymous functions into local functions to avoid creating new function objects every frame. 6.3 Optimization Methods 6.3.1 Extracting Anonymous Functions as Local Functions Example: Before Optimization: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptthreadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Example Window", function() ImGui.Text("This is an example window") end)end)threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Example Window", function() ImGui.Text("This is an example window") end) return falseend)threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Example Window", () => { ImGui.Text("This is an example window"); }); return false;});threadLoop -> Begin "Example Window", -> Text "This is an example window" After Optimization: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal function drawExampleWindow() ImGui.Text("This is an example window")endthreadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Example Window", drawExampleWindow)end)local function drawExampleWindow() ImGui.Text("This is an example window")endthreadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Example Window", drawExampleWindow)end)drawExampleWindow = () => { ImGui.Text("This is an example window");};threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Example Window", drawExampleWindow); return false;});drawExampleWindow = -> Text "This is an example window"threadLoop -> Begin "Example Window", drawExampleWindow 6.3.2 Using Function Caching Mechanism Example: Before Optimization: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal objects = { { name = "Object1", id = 1 }, { name = "Object2", id = 2 }, { name = "Object3", id = 3 },}threadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Object List", function() for i, obj in ipairs(objects) do ImGui.TreeNode(, function() ImGui.Text("Object ID: " .. end) end end)end)local objects = { { name = "Object1", id = 1 }, { name = "Object2", id = 2 }, { name = "Object3", id = 3 },}threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Object List", function() for i, obj in ipairs(objects) do ImGui.TreeNode(, function() ImGui.Text("Object ID: " .. end) end end) return falseend)const objects = [ { name: "Object1", id: 1 }, { name: "Object2", id: 2 }, { name: "Object3", id: 3 },];threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Object List", () => { for (const obj of objects) { ImGui.TreeNode(, () => { ImGui.Text(`Object ID: ${}`); }); } }); return false;});objects = * name: "Object1", id: 1 * name: "Object2", id: 2 * name: "Object3", id: 3threadLoop -> Begin "Object List", -> for obj in *objects TreeNode, -> Text "Object ID: " .. After Optimization: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal objects = { { name = "Object1", id = 1 }, { name = "Object2", id = 2 }, { name = "Object3", id = 3 },}local function getTreeNodeFunction(obj) if not obj.nodeFunction then obj.nodeFunction = function() ImGui.Text("Object ID: " .. end end return obj.nodeFunctionendlocal function drawObjectList() for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do ImGui.TreeNode(, getTreeNodeFunction(obj)) endendthreadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Object List", drawObjectList) return falseend)local record Object name: string id: integer nodeFunction: function()endlocal objects: {Object} = { { name = "Object1", id = 1 }, { name = "Object2", id = 2 }, { name = "Object3", id = 3 },}local function getTreeNodeFunction(obj: Object): function() if not obj.nodeFunction then obj.nodeFunction = function() ImGui.Text("Object ID: " .. end end return obj.nodeFunctionendlocal function drawObjectList() for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do ImGui.TreeNode(, getTreeNodeFunction(obj)) endendthreadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Object List", drawObjectList) return falseend)interface Object { name: string; id: number; nodeFunction?: (this: void) => void;}const objects: Object[] = [ { name: "Object1", id: 1 }, { name: "Object2", id: 2 }, { name: "Object3", id: 3 },];const getTreeNodeFunction = (obj: Object): () => void => { if (!obj.nodeFunction) { obj.nodeFunction = () => { ImGui.Text(`Object ID: ${}`); }; } return obj.nodeFunction;};const drawObjectList = () => { for (const obj of objects) { ImGui.TreeNode(, getTreeNodeFunction(obj)); }};threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Object List", drawObjectList); return false;});objects = * name: "Object1", id: 1 * name: "Object2", id: 2 * name: "Object3", id: 3getTreeNodeFunction = (obj) -> if not obj.nodeFunction obj.nodeFunction = -> ImGui.Text "Object ID: " .. obj.nodeFunctiondrawObjectList = -> for obj in *objects TreeNode, getTreeNodeFunction objthreadLoop -> Begin "Object List", drawObjectList 6.3.3 Extracting Reused Variables Outside the Closure Example: Before Optimization: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptthreadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Example Window", { "AlwaysAutoResize" }, function() ImGui.Text("This is an example window") end)end)threadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Example Window", { "AlwaysAutoResize" }, function() ImGui.Text("This is an example window") end) return falseend)threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Example Window", [ WindowFlag.AlwaysAutoResize ], () => { ImGui.Text("This is an example window"); }); return false;});threadLoop -> Begin "Example Window", [ "AlwaysAutoResize" ], -> Text "This is an example window" After Optimization: LuaTealTypeScriptYueScriptlocal windowFlags = { "AlwaysAutoResize" }local drawFunction = function() ImGui.Text("This is an example window")endthreadLoop(function() ImGui.Begin("Example Window", windowFlags, drawFunction)end)local windowFlags = { "AlwaysAutoResize" }local drawFunction = function() ImGui.Text("This is an example window")endthreadLoop(function(): boolean ImGui.Begin("Example Window", windowFlags, drawFunction) return falseend)const windowFlags = [ WindowFlag.AlwaysAutoResize ];const drawFunction = () => { ImGui.Text("This is an example window");};threadLoop(() => { ImGui.Begin("Example Window", windowFlags, drawFunction); return false;});windowFlags = [ "AlwaysAutoResize" ]drawFunction = -> Text "This is an example window"threadLoop -> Begin "Example Window", windowFlags, drawFunction 6.4 Summary By extracting anonymous functions to the outer layer of closures, you can: Reduce Memory Allocation Each Frame: Avoid frequent creation of new functions and objects, reducing garbage collection pressure. Improve Performance: Minimize unnecessary overhead, allowing your game editor to run more smoothly. Enhance Code Structure: Clearly separate logic, improving code readability and maintainability. 7. Development Recommendations Fully Utilize Immediate Mode: Since ImGui is immediate mode, you can dynamically update the UI based on real-time program states. Pay Attention to Performance: In complex UIs, minimize unnecessary drawing and use conditional statements to control UI element updates when necessary. Organize Code Structure: Encapsulate reusable UI components into functions to enhance code readability and maintainability. Monitor Performance: Use profiling tools to monitor memory allocation and CPU usage to identify performance bottlenecks in a timely manner. Code Review: Regularly review code to identify potential optimization points and avoid unnecessary resource wastage. Learn Best Practices: For more ImGui usage methods, refer to official documentation and community experiences to learn and apply the best coding practices. 8. Conclusion Through this tutorial, you should have a comprehensive understanding of how to use the ImGui library in Dora SSR to develop UIs for game editors or debugging tools. With its simplicity and efficiency, ImGui is particularly suitable for tool development and rapid prototyping. I hope you can fully leverage its advantages in your actual projects.