Dialogue SystemYarnRunnerOn this pageYarnRunner Description: The YarnRunner record is used for loading and executing Yarn narrative scripts. YarnRunner.ResultType Type: Enumeration. Description: Enum for types of results that can be returned. Signature: enum ResultType -- Represents textual results. "Text" -- Represents choices or options. "Option" -- Represents errors. "Error" -- Only for special test use. "Command"end state Type: Readonly Field. Description: Field for accessing Yarn script runtime variables. Signature: const state: {string: string | number | boolean} __call Type: Metamethod. Description: The metamethod to create a Yarn script runner. Signature: metamethod __call: function( self: YarnRunner, filename: string, startTitle: string, state?: {string: string | number | boolean}, --[[{}]] command?: {string: function}, --[[{}]] testing?: boolean --[[false]] ): YarnRunner Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfilenamestringThe name of the Yarn file to load and execute.startTitlestringThe starting node/title in the Yarn script.statetable[optional] Table for providing predefined variables.command{string: function}[optional] Table of commands to execute.testingboolean[optional] Boolean flag for testing mode. When in testing mode, the testing variables from Web IDE will be loaded. Defaults to false. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionYarnRunnerReturns the YarnRunner object. advance Type: Function. Description: Method to advance the narrative. Signature: advance: function(self: YarnRunner, choice?: integer): nil | ResultType, string | table Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionchoiceinteger[optional] Index of the choice if presented with options. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionnil | ResultTypeReturns nil if the narrative ended. Returns enum string result when YarnRunner is still running.string | tableDepending on the narrative, it can return a type of result and the associated content:"Text" and a TextResult."Option" and an OptionResult."Error" and a string error message.nil and a string indecating the narrative ends.