Graphics RenderingRender NodesSpriteOn this pageSprite Description: The Sprite class to render texture in game scene tree hierarchy. Class Object: Sprite Class. Inherits from: Node. Sprite.TextureWrap Type: Enumeration. Description: An enumeration for texture wrapping modes. Signature: enum TextureWrap "None" "Mirror" "Clamp" "Border"end Sprite.TextureFilter Type: Enumeration. Description: An enumeration for texture filtering modes. Signature: enum TextureFilter "None" "Point" "Anisotropic"end depthWrite Type: Field. Description: Whether the depth buffer should be written to when rendering the sprite (default is false). Signature: depthWrite: boolean alphaRef Type: Field. Description: The alpha reference value for alpha testing. Pixels with alpha values less than or equal to this value will be discarded. Only works with sprite.effect = SpriteEffect("builtin:vs_sprite", "builtin:fs_spritealphatest"). Signature: alphaRef: number textureRect Type: Field. Description: The texture rectangle for the sprite. Signature: textureRect: Rect blendFunc Type: Field. Description: The blend function for the sprite. Signature: blendFunc: BlendFunc effect Type: Field. Description: The sprite shader effect. Signature: effect: SpriteEffect texture Type: Field. Description: The texture for the sprite. Signature: texture: Texture2D uwrap Type: Field. Description: The texture wrapping mode for the U (horizontal) axis. Signature: uwrap: TextureWrap vwrap Type: Field. Description: The texture wrapping mode for the V (vertical) axis. Signature: vwrap: TextureWrap filter Type: Field. Description: The texture filtering mode for the sprite. Signature: filter: TextureFilter