Graphics RenderingRender NodesDrawNodeOn this pageDrawNode Description: A record for scene node that draws simple shapes such as dots, lines, and polygons. Class Object: DrawNode Class. Inherits from: Node. depthWrite Type: Field. Description: Whether to write to the depth buffer when drawing (default is false). Signature: depthWrite: boolean blendFunc Type: Field. Description: The blend function used to draw the shape. Signature: blendFunc: BlendFunc drawDot Type: Function. Description: Draws a dot at a specified position with a specified radius and color. Signature: drawDot: function( self: DrawNode, pos: Vec2, radius: number, color?: Color --[[0xffffffff]] ) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionposVec2The position of the dot.radiusnumberThe radius of the dot.colorColor[optional] The color of the dot (default is white). drawSegment Type: Function. Description: Draws a line segment between two points with a specified radius and color. Signature: drawSegment: function( self: DrawNode, from: Vec2, to: Vec2, radius: number, color?: Color --[[0xffffffff]] ) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfromVec2The starting point of the line.toVec2The ending point of the line.radiusnumberThe radius of the line.colorColor[optional] The color of the line (default is white). drawPolygon Type: Function. Description: Draws a polygon defined by a list of vertices with a specified fill color and border. Signature: drawPolygon: function( self: DrawNode, verts: {Vec2}, fillColor?: Color --[[0xffffffff]], borderWidth?: number --[[0]], borderColor?: Color --[[0xffffffff]] ) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionverts{Vec2}The vertices of the polygon.fillColorColor[optional] The fill color of the polygon (default is white).borderWidthnumber[optional] The width of the border (default is 0).borderColorColor[optional] The color of the border (default is white). drawVertices Type: Function. Description: Draws a set of vertices as triangles, each vertex with its own color. Signature: drawVertices: function(self: DrawNode, verts: {{Vec2, Color}}) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionverts{{Vec2, Color}}The list of vertices and their colors. clear Type: Function. Description: Clears all previously drawn shapes from the node. Signature: clear: function(self: DrawNode)