Uncategorized APIClass ObjectDragonBone ClassOn this pageDragonBone Class Description: A class for creating instances of the 'DragonBone' record. getLooks Type: Function. Description: Returns a list of available looks for the specified DragonBone file string. Signature: getLooks: function(self: DragonBoneClass, boneStr: string): {string} Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionboneStrstringThe DragonBone file string to get the looks for. Returns: Return TypeDescription{string}A table of strings representing the available looks. getAnimations Type: Function. Description: Returns a list of available animations for the specified DragonBone file string. Signature: getAnimations: function(self: DragonBoneClass, boneStr: string): {string} Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionboneStrstringThe DragonBone file string to get the animations for. Returns: Return TypeDescription{string}A table of strings representing the available animations. __call