Graphics RenderingAnimation ModelsSpineOn this pageSpine Description: An implementation of an animation system using the Spine engine. Class Object: Spine Class. Inherits from: Playable. hitTestEnabled Type: Field. Description: Whether hit testing is enabled. Signature: hitTestEnabled: boolean setBoneRotation Type: Function. Description: Sets the rotation of a bone in the Spine skeleton. Signature: setBoneRotation: function(self: Spine, name: string, rotation: number): boolean Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnamestringThe name of the bone to rotate.rotationnumberThe amount to rotate the bone, in degrees. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanWhether the rotation was successfully set or not. containsPoint Type: Function. Description: Checks if a point in space is inside the boundaries of the Spine skeleton. Signature: containsPoint: function(self: Spine, x: number, y: number): string | nil Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionxnumberThe x-coordinate of the point to check.ynumberThe y-coordinate of the point to check. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstring|nilThe name of the bone at the point, or nil if there is no bone at the point. intersectsSegment Type: Function. Description: Checks if a line segment intersects the boundaries of the instance and returns the name of the bone or slot at the intersection point, or nil if no bone or slot is found. Signature: intersectsSegment: function(self: Spine, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): string | nil Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionx1numberThe x-coordinate of the start point of the line segment.y1numberThe y-coordinate of the start point of the line segment.x2numberThe x-coordinate of the end point of the line segment.y2numberThe y-coordinate of the end point of the line segment. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstring|nilThe name of the bone or slot at the intersection point, or nil if no bone or slot is found.