Misc FunctionsYueScriptOptionsOn this pageOptions Description: The extra compiler options definition. target Type: Field. Description: The target Lua version for the compilation. Signature: target: LuaTarget path Type: Field. Description: The extra module search path. Signature: path: string dump_locals Type: Field. Description: Whether to dump the local variables in the traceback error message. Default is false. Signature: dump_locals: boolean simplified Type: Field. Description: Whether to simplify the error message. Default is true. Signature: simplified: boolean __newindex Type: Metamethod. Description: The setter metamethod for the Options record. Signature: metamethod __newindex: function(self: Options, key: string, value: string) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionkeystringThe key.valuestringThe value. __index Type: Metamethod. Description: The getter metamethod for the Options record. Signature: metamethod __index: function(self: Options, key: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionkeystringThe key. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe value.