Basic FunctionalityAssets ManagementPathOn this pagePath Description: Helper class for file path operations. getScriptPath Type: Function. Description: Gets script running path from a module name. Signature: getScriptPath: function(self: Path, moduleName: string): string Usage: -- in the script entry file named 'init'local scriptPath = Path:getScriptPath(...)-- set up the project search pathsContent:insertSearchPath(1, scriptPath) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionmoduleNamestringThe input module name. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe module path for script searching. getExt Type: Function. Description: Input: /a/b/c.TXT output: txt Signature: getExt: function(self: Path, path: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionpathstringThe input file path. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe input file's extension. getPath Type: Function. Description: Input: /a/b/c.TXT output: /a/b Signature: getPath: function(self: Path, path: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionpathstringThe input file path. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe input file's parent path. getName Type: Function. Description: Input: /a/b/c.TXT output: c Signature: getName: function(self: Path, path: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionpathstringThe input file path. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe input file's name without extension. getFilename Type: Function. Description: Input: /a/b/c.TXT output: c.TXT Signature: getFilename: function(self: Path, path: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionpathstringThe input file path. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe input file's name. getRelative Type: Function. Description: Input: /a/b/c.TXT, base: /a output: b/c.TXT Signature: getRelative: function(self: Path, path: string, base: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionpathstringThe input file path.basestringThe target file path. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe relative from input file to target file. replaceExt Type: Function. Description: Input: /a/b/c.TXT, lua output: /a/b/c.lua Signature: replaceExt: function(self: Path, path: string, newExt: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionpathstringThe input file path.newExtstringThe new file extention to add to file path. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe new file path. replaceFilename Type: Function. Description: Input: /a/b/c.TXT, d output: /a/b/d.TXT Signature: replaceFilename: function(self: Path, path: string, newFile: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionpathstringThe input file path.newFilestringThe new filename to replace. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe new file path. __call Type: Metamethod. Description: input: a, b, c.TXT output: a/b/c.TXT Signature: metamethod __call: function(self: Path, ...: string): string Parameters: ParameterTypeDescription...stringThe segments to be joined as a new file path. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionstringThe new file path.