Basic FunctionalityAssets ManagementCacheOn this pageCache Description: A singleton cache instance for various game resources. Cache.ResourceType Type: Enumeration. Description: An enum that defines the various types of resources that can be loaded into the cache. Signature: enum ResourceType "Bone" "Spine" "Texture" "SVG" "Clip" "Frame" "Model" "Particle" "Shader" "Font" "Sound"end Cache.ResourceTypeSafeUnload Type: Enumeration. Description: An enum that defines the various types of resources that can be safely unloaded from the cache. Signature: enum ResourceTypeSafeUnload "Texture" "SVG" "Clip" "Frame" "Model" "Particle" "Shader" "Font" "Sound" "Spine"end load Type: Function. Description: Loads a file into the cache with a blocking operation. Signature: load: function(self: Cache, filename: string): boolean Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfilenamestringThe name of the file to load. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanTrue if the file was loaded successfully, false otherwise. loadAsync Type: Function. Description: Loads a file into the cache asynchronously. Signature: loadAsync: function(self: Cache, filename: string | {string}, handler?: function(progress: number)): boolean Usage: thread(function() local success = Cache:loadAsync("file.png") if success then print("Game resource is loaded into memory") endend) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfilenamesstring{string}handlerfunction[optional] A callback function that is invoked when the file is loaded. The progress parameter is a number between 0 and 1. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanTrue if the files were loaded successfully, false otherwise. update Type: Function. Description: Updates the content of a file loaded in the cache. If the item of filename does not exist in the cache, a new file content will be added into the cache. Signature: update: function(self: Cache, filename: string, content: string) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfilenamestringThe name of the file to update.contentstringThe new content for the file. update Type: Function. Description: Updates the texture object of the specific filename loaded in the cache. If the texture object of filename does not exist in the cache, it will be added into the cache. Signature: update: function(self: Cache, filename: string, texture: Texture2D) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfilenamestringThe name of the texture to update.textureTexture2DThe new texture object for the file. unload Type: Function. Description: Unloads a resource from the cache. Signature: unload: function(self: Cache, type: ResourceTypeSafeUnload): boolean Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontypeResourceTypeSafeUnloadThe type of resource to unload. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanTrue if the resource was unloaded successfully, false otherwise. unload Type: Function. Description: Unloads a resource from the cache. Signature: unload: function(self: Cache, filename: string): boolean Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfilenamestringThe name of the file to unload. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanTrue if the resource was unloaded successfully, false otherwise. unload Type: Function. Description: Unloads all resources from the cache. Signature: unload: function(self: Cache) removeUnused Type: Function. Description: Removes all unused resources (not being referenced) of the given type from the cache. Signature: removeUnused: function(self: Cache, type: ResourceType) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontypeResourceTypeThe type of resource to remove. removeUnused Type: Function. Description: Removes all unused resources (not being referenced) from the cache. Signature: removeUnused: function(self: Cache)