Platformer Game FrameworkBehaviorOn this pageBehavior Description: A behavior tree framework for creating game AI structures. Seq Type: Function. Description: Creates a new sequence node that executes an array of child nodes in order. Signature: Seq: function(nodes: {Leaf}): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnodes{Leaf}An array of child nodes. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new sequence node. Sel Type: Function. Description: Creates a new selector node that selects and executes one of its child nodes that will succeed. Signature: Sel: function(nodes: {Leaf}): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnodes{Leaf}An array of child nodes. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new selector node. Con Type: Function. Description: Creates a new condition node that executes a check handler function when executed. Signature: Con: function(name: string, check: function(board: Blackboard): boolean): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnamestringThe name of the condition.checkfunctionA function that takes a blackboard object and returns a boolean value. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new condition node. Act Type: Function. Description: Creates a new action node that executes an action when executed. This node will block the execution until the action finishes. Signature: Act: function(actionName: string): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionactionNamestringThe name of the action to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new action node. Command Type: Function. Description: Creates a new command node that executes a command when executed. This node will return right after the action starts. Signature: Command: function(actionName: string): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionactionNamestringThe name of the command to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new command node. Wait Type: Function. Description: Creates a new wait node that waits for a specified duration when executed. Signature: Wait: function(duration: number): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiondurationnumberThe duration to wait in seconds. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new wait node. Countdown Type: Function. Description: Creates a new countdown node that executes a child node continuously until a timer runs out. Signature: Countdown: function(time: number, node: Leaf): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontimenumberThe time limit in seconds.nodeLeafThe child node to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new countdown node. Timeout Type: Function. Description: Creates a new timeout node that executes a child node until a timer runs out. Signature: Timeout: function(time: number, node: Leaf): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontimenumberThe time limit in seconds.nodeLeafThe child node to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new timeout node. Repeat Type: Function. Description: Creates a new repeat node that executes a child node a specified number of times. Signature: Repeat: function(times: integer, node: Leaf): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontimesintegerThe number of times to execute the child node.nodeLeafThe child node to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new repeat node. Repeat Type: Function. Description: Creates a new repeat node that executes a child node repeatedly. Signature: Repeat: function(node: Leaf): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnodeLeafThe child node to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new repeat node. Retry Type: Function. Description: Creates a new retry node that executes a child node repeatedly until it succeeds or a maximum number of retries is reached. Signature: Retry: function(times: integer, node: Leaf): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontimesintegerThe maximum number of retries.nodeLeafThe child node to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new retry node. Retry Type: Function. Description: Creates a new retry node that executes a child node repeatedly until it succeeds. Signature: Retry: function(node: Leaf): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnodeLeafThe child node to execute. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA new retry node.