Platformer Game FrameworkBulletOn this pageBullet Description: A record that defines the properties and behavior of a bullet object instance in the game. Class Object: Platformer.Bullet Class. Inherits from: Body. targetAllow Type: Field. Description: The value from a Platformer.TargetAllow object for the bullet object. Signature: targetAllow: integer faceRight Type: Readonly Field. Description: Whether the bullet object is facing right. Signature: const faceRight: boolean hitStop Type: Field. Description: Whether the bullet object should stop on impact. Signature: hitStop: boolean emitter Type: Readonly Field. Description: The Unit object that fired the bullet. Signature: const emitter: Unit bulletDef Type: Readonly Field. Description: The BulletDef object that defines the bullet's properties and behavior. Signature: const bulletDef: BulletDef face Type: Field. Description: The Node object that appears as the bullet's visual item. Signature: face: Node destroy Type: Function. Description: Destroys the bullet object instance. Signature: destroy: function(self: Bullet)