Platformer Game FrameworkDecisionOn this pageDecision Description: A decision tree framework for creating game AI structures. Sel Type: Function. Description: Creates a selector node with the specified child nodes. A selector node will go through the child nodes until one succeeds. Signature: Sel: function(nodes: {Leaf}): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnodes{Leaf}An array of Leaf nodes. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node that represents a selector. Seq Type: Function. Description: Creates a sequence node with the specified child nodes. A sequence node will go through the child nodes until all node succeeds. Signature: Seq: function(nodes: {Leaf}): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnodes{Leaf}An array of Leaf nodes. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node that represents a sequence. Con Type: Function. Description: Creates a condition node with the specified name and handler function. Signature: Con: function(name: string, check: function(self: Unit): boolean): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnamestringThe name of the condition.checkfunctionThe check function that takes a Unit parameter and returns a boolean result. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node that represents a condition check. Act Type: Function. Description: Creates an action node with the specified action name. Signature: Act: function(actionName: string): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionactionNamestringThe name of the action to perform. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node that represents an action. Act Type: Function. Description: Creates an action node with the specified handler function. Signature: Act: function(handler: function(self: Unit): string): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionhandlerfunctionThe handler function that takes a Unit parameter which is the running AI agent and returns an action. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node that represents an action. Accept Type: Function. Description: Creates a leaf node that represents accepting the current behavior tree. Always get success result from this node. Signature: Accept: function(): Leaf Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node. Reject Type: Function. Description: Creates a leaf node that represents rejecting the current behavior tree. Always get failure result from this node. Signature: Reject: function(): Leaf Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node. Behave Type: Function. Description: Creates a leaf node with the specified behavior tree as its root. It is possible to include a Behavior Tree as a node in a Decision Tree by using the Behave() function. This allows the AI to use a combination of decision-making and behavior execution to achieve its goals. Signature: Behave: function(name: string, root: Behavior.Leaf): Leaf Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionnamestringThe name of the behavior tree.rootBehavior.LeafThe root node of the behavior tree. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionLeafA Leaf node. AI Type: Field. Description: The singleton instance to retrieve information while executing the decision tree. Signature: AI: AI