Basic FunctionalityInput ManagementControllerOn this pageController Description: An interface for handling game controller inputs. Controller.AxisName Type: Enumeration. Description: Enumeration for defining the controller axis names. Signature: enum AxisName "leftx" "lefty" "rightx" "righty" "lefttrigger" "righttrigger"end Controller.ButtonName Type: Enumeration. Description: Enumeration for defining the controller button names. Signature: enum ButtonName "a" "b" "back" "dpdown" "dpleft" "dpright" "dpup" "leftshoulder" "leftstick" "rightshoulder" "rightstick" "start" "x" "y"end isButtonDown Type: Function. Description: Check whether a button is pressed down in current frame. Signature: isButtonDown: function(self: Controller, controllerId: integer, name: ButtonName): boolean Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.nameButtonNameThe name of the button to check. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanWhether the button is pressed down. isButtonUp Type: Function. Description: Check whether a button is released in current frame. Signature: isButtonUp: function(self: Controller, controllerId: integer, name: ButtonName): boolean Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.nameButtonNameThe name of the button to check. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanWhether the button is released. isButtonPressed Type: Function. Description: Check whether a button is in pressed state. Signature: isButtonPressed: function(self: Controller, controllerId: integer, name: ButtonName): boolean Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.nameButtonNameThe name of the button to check. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionbooleanWhether the button is in pressed state. getAxis Type: Function. Description: Get the axis value from a given controller. Signature: getAxis: function(self: Controller, controllerId: integer, name: AxisName): number Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.nameAxisNameThe name of the controller axis to check. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionnumberThe axis value ranging from -1.0 to 1.0.