Physics SimulationBodyDefOn this pageBodyDef Description: A record to describe the properties of a physics body. Class Object: BodyDef Class. Inherits from: Object. BodyDef.BodyType Type: Enumeration. Description: An enumeration for the different types of bodies. Signature: enum BodyType -- A body that does not move. "Static" -- A body that can move and be affected by forces. "Dynamic" -- A body that can move but is not affected by forces. "Kinematic"end type Type: Field. Description: Define for the type of the body. Signature: type: BodyType position Type: Field. Description: Define for the position of the body. Signature: position: Vec2 angle Type: Field. Description: Define for the angle of the body. Signature: angle: number face Type: Field. Description: Define for the face image or other items accepted by creating Face for the body. Signature: face: string facePos Type: Field. Description: Define for the face position of the body. Signature: facePos: Vec2 linearDamping Type: Field. Description: Define for linear damping of the body. Signature: linearDamping: number angularDamping Type: Field. Description: Define for angular damping of the body. Signature: angularDamping: number linearAcceleration Type: Field. Description: Define for initial linear acceleration of the body. Signature: linearAcceleration: Vec2 fixedRotation Type: Field. Description: Whether the body's rotation is fixed or not. Signature: fixedRotation: boolean bullet Type: Field. Description: Whether the body is a bullet or not. Set to true to add extra bullet movement check for the body. Signature: bullet: boolean attachPolygon Type: Function. Description: Attaches a polygon fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachPolygon: function(self: BodyDef, center: Vec2, width: number, height: number, angle?: number --[[0.0]], density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncenterVec2The center point of the polygon.widthnumberThe width of the polygon.heightnumberThe height of the polygon.anglenumber[optional] The angle of the polygon (default is 0.0).densitynumber[optional] The density of the polygon (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the polygon (default is 0.4, should be 0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the polygon (default is 0.0, should be 0 to 1.0). attachPolygon Type: Function. Description: Attaches a polygon fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachPolygon: function(self: BodyDef, width: number, height: number, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionwidthnumberThe width of the polygon.heightnumberThe height of the polygon.densitynumber[optional] The density of the polygon (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the polygon (default is 0.4, should be 0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the polygon (default is 0.0, should be 0 to 1.0). attachPolygon Type: Function. Description: Attaches a polygon fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachPolygon: function(self: BodyDef, vertices: {Vec2}, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionvertices{Vec2}The vertices of the polygon.densitynumber[optional] The density of the polygon (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the polygon (default is 0.4, should be 0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the polygon (default is 0.0, should be 0 to 1.0). attachMulti Type: Function. Description: Attaches a concave shape definition made of multiple convex shapes to the body. Signature: attachMulti: function(self: BodyDef, vertices: {Vec2}, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionvertices{Vec2}A table containing the vertices of each convex shape that makes up the concave shape.Each convex shape in the vertices table should ends with a Vec2(0.0, 0.0) as seperator.densitynumber[optional] The density of the concave shape (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the concave shape (default is 0.4, should be 0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the concave shape (default is 0.0, should be 0 to 1.0). attachDisk Type: Function. Description: Attaches a disk fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachDisk: function(self: BodyDef, center: Vec2, radius: number, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncenterVec2The center point of the disk.radiusnumberThe radius of the disk.densitynumber[optional] The density of the disk (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the disk (default is 0.4, should be 0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the disk (default is 0.0, should be 0 to 1.0). attachDisk Type: Function. Description: Attaches a disk fixture to the body. Signature: attachDisk: function(self: BodyDef, radius: number, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionradiusnumberThe radius of the disk.densitynumber[optional] The density of the disk (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the disk (default is 0.4).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the disk (default is 0.0). attachChain Type: Function. Description: Attaches a chain fixture definition to the body. The Chain fixture is a free form sequence of line segments that has two-sided collision. Signature: attachChain: function(self: BodyDef, vertices: {Vec2}, friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionvertices{Vec2}The vertices of the chain.frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the chain (default is 0.4).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the chain (default is 0.0). attachPolygonSensor Type: Function. Description: Attaches a polygon sensor fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachPolygonSensor: function(self: BodyDef, tag: integer, width: number, height: number) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontagnumberAn integer tag for the sensor.widthnumberThe width of the polygon.heightnumberThe height of the polygon. attachPolygonSensor Type: Function. Description: Attaches a polygon sensor fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachPolygonSensor: function(self: BodyDef, tag: integer, center: Vec2, width: number, height: number, angle?: number --[[0.0]]) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontagnumberAn integer tag for the sensor.centerVec2The center point of the polygon.widthnumberThe width of the polygon.heightnumberThe height of the polygon.anglenumber[optional] The angle of the polygon (default is 0.0). attachPolygonSensor Type: Function. Description: Attaches a polygon sensor fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachPolygonSensor: function(self: BodyDef, tag: integer, vertices: {Vec2}) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontagnumberAn integer tag for the sensor.vertices{Vec2}A table containing the vertices of the polygon. attachDiskSensor Type: Function. Description: Attaches a disk sensor fixture definition to the body. Signature: attachDiskSensor: function(self: BodyDef, tag: integer, center: Vec2, radius: number) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontagnumberAn integer tag for the sensor.centerVec2The center of the disk.radiusnumberThe radius of the disk. attachDiskSensor Type: Function. Description: Attaches a disk sensor fixture to the body. Signature: attachDiskSensor: function(self: BodyDef, tag: integer, radius: number) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontagnumberAn integer tag for the sensor.radiusnumberThe radius of the disk.